Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Dare You!

What are you really good at? What are you really bad at?

Chances are the answers to those questions will vary depending on whether I ask you or if I ask someone who knows you well. The old adage that we are all our own worst critic is true, though we seldom analyze the criticism that stops us dead in our tracks. Last Life Club we learned about the key steps to decision making and problem solving. Now we’re ready to develop the confidence required to make our desired changes.

Whether the skill you’re working on is learning to eat with chopsticks, cooking a six-course meal, or you’re a parent trying to be the best parent that you can be, you have to invest time and energy to be successful. Confidence is often overlooked as belonging to a skill set, which keeps a lot of us in the dark.

You are invited to join Life Clubs Canada this week as we explore confidence not as a quality you were either born with or without, but as a learnable skill, and as we dare each other to step out of the safety of being under-confident. It’s time to focus all those negative appraisals into a positive outcome, translating self-perceived weaknesses into lightbulb moments. To start your own personal revolution, click here. We’ve got some dares in store for you.

For a terrific confidence boost to your parenting, join us Tuesdays for our Positive Parent-Teen Relationships workshops - details at  This offering is perfect for parents of pre-teens and teens who want to create a language and a solid foundation for parenting your children through this time of big changes and often challenges. I am offering a way to become pro-active in these years instead of re-active. The camaraderie and support within the group is a wonderful bonus. We start this week - Feb 22, 2011 at 7 pm.

Have a wonderful Family Day Weekend!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Giant Chocolate Chip Heart Shaped Cookies…

Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone!

Love is all around us today and every day. The gift is in taking the time to notice love and to bask its warmth and energy.

Love comes in so many forms and variations. I love when people speak of loving 'us' - the relationship they have created. I love when I can witness the utter joy when someone realizes that they genuinely love themselves.

My family, gathered around the dinner table, were sharing what we love and who we love. Given that there are 9 of us Moffats, the range of 'loves' was vast and incredibly interesting. Our newlyweds inspired Gord and I to reflect on how loving our 29 year life journey together has been. Our first Valentine's Day was spent at Queen's University at the annual Sleigh Ride to Wolfe Island.

One Valentine's tradition that has lasted from that day is the 'giant chocolate chip heart shaped cookie' that I made for Gord. It is still a favourite annual tradition - although there are 8 to make now!

So once again, in the wee hours of the night, 'Cupid' busily baked for each of her family members a 'giant chocolate chip heart shaped cookie'.

It is the simple pleasures that often most effectively express our love for one another.

What are the loves of your life?


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's great to have options!

Wow! What a week it has been.

I have been wrestling with a problem that has been lingering just a bit too long. It started as a 'crack' in my roadway and now it was becoming a wide crevice.

I needed to take a new approach to solving it.

I put down my usual tools and used the LIFE Model from Life Clubs. Before I knew it ...I had moved from the habitual jumping into 'solutions' mode ... to the energizing zone of brainstorming options. The ideas just kept flooding in. It was great to get the creative juices flowing!

What was once seems like a monkey on my back is now a source of energy and excitement.

Come along to Life Clubs and you too can learn the Key Steps to Problem solving!
