Monday, November 5, 2007

Riches of the heart

Money, money, money. I agree with Nina, most people feel more comfortable talking about their most personal lives rather than their finances. Its a real uncomfortable subject - we can be viewed as shallow for wanting it and envied for having it. And why is it that its mostly wealthy people that tell us, 'money can't make you happy'. Oh for the chance to prove them wrong. But I am also reminded of how many so called 'rich' people we hear of who are deeply unhappy and have had tragic lives - The Getty and Picasso families spring to mind.

I am also reminded of a story of my own when I think of this subject

Its the story of a family friend of ours. He visited us when we were newly weds, with little money, living in a freezing rented flat in Dundee. He had married the week before us and joined us in Dundee with his new bride. We ordered a chinese takeaway and as we went to collect it I over heard the conversation between the two. They were dissecting the menu and their choices piece by piece and dividing the cost of their individual meals down to the last 1p. Then I heard one say to the other 'oh yes, but if you remember, on the train here I paid for your magazine so actually you owe me £2.00 aswell'.

Their marriage lasted less than a year.

For me a generous heart, a giving nature and a rich laugh are gems in anyones personal account.

Leamington Lifeclub

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