Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A JK Rowling Morning

Dear All,

This morning I was sitting in a cafe writing and I thought about how I could be mistaken for JK Rowling. Sadly not in looks, but as someone who may be changing her life through her work. Needless to say I was not penning a novel, but rather an I-hope-they-buy-it series of articles for Psychologies, but it got me thinking.

I wondered what JK Rowling and I have in common, because that's what Life Clubs are about this week. Discovering what you notice about someone and how that leads to further discoveries about yourself. I know that I admire JK Rowling most for her determination, her creativity and her imagination. So, that made me feel good, realising we share those qualities - though in different measures and differently expressed.

My next thought was how glad I was not to be her. To have so much pressure to write more and more books would be difficult and to be as wealthy as her would be almost impossible.

So, from a thankfully-I'm-not-as-wealthy-as-JK Rowling cafe dweller,
I hope you had a good thought today too.

All best,
Founder Life Clubs/Westminster Life Club

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