Wednesday, April 23, 2008

*pun alert* A Life Club Of Value *pun alert*

Value - what a great word to play with. Do you value that? What's the value of this? And "this" could be anything - property, a friendship, the dollar, watching a sunset, a certain food, a particular exercise, work, play, cycling, rugby, couch-potatoing, talking, silence. The idea of value is present in all areas of our life - it's how we think of things, our way of weighing one thing against another. So it was really interesting exploring how the idea of "value" shows up inside ourselves in this week's Life Club. And also, how useful it is to have a really clear idea of what makes life juicy for you.

Last weekend was a real peak experience for me - a surprise party for an aunt and uncle to celebrate their ruby wedding. 90 people converged on a village hall in Yorkshire for this. I saw lots of family members I hadn't seen for years, and a marvellous time was had by all. And why was I having such fun? All my values were being fully loved up. Simple as that. You can have a big party with great music, amazing food and everything, and still be miserable - and if that's the case, important stuff is missing for you. Your values are being neglected.

So there's a great tool for fulfillment and happiness - know your values, and make sure they get honoured.

Mark Lister
Edinburgh Life club

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