Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's Important?

'Choices. I don't like choices' said my 10-year old. When I asked him how he made his decisions, he replied 'Do what you don't want to do first then you can really enjoy what you do want to do instead of having to worry about things that you don't want to do while you're doing your exciting thing.'

What brilliant advice and if only he practised what he preached, we wouldn't have hours of nagging mum saying 'When are you going to do your homework' as he played endlessly with his Bionicles.

This week the wonderful foot of snow kept me away from my TV slot in Ireland (the airport was closed) and gave me a day in which to catch up on what was important (and that included spending time with Tommy). Tommy and I built a snowman, went for a stunning white walk and I took some photos of snowmen - and Tommy. There's such a great stillness and quiet in the air when it snows. It's totally magic.

But I wish I was straight as that arrow and as focused at all times. That list of 'to do's' is crying out to be prioritised at this week's Life Club.

So, bring all your choices along and let's see what's really important.

See you at Life Clubs,
Founder Life Clubs

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nina,
    Sounds like you had so much fun with your son. We've had no snow in the Eastern bulge - feel a bit cheated, if I'm honest - although I can't say I'd like the transport chaos the rest of the country has had. But it has been rain, rain, rain and everything is horribly muddy. I decided to revamp a bedroom and, horrified at the astronomical cost of new headboards, I spent the weekend re-upholstering an old one using the fabric from some almost new curtains I had stored from a previous house. It cost me £2.10p for a length of new braid and, say, £1.00 for glue, thread and staples. It took me about six hours and my fingers are very sore! But, hey, it's a good feeling knowing that I've saved about £150.00. It looks fabulous and I feel a huge sense of achievement. A good way to spend a rainy day!
