Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why do mirrors annoy?

Apart from the fact that it can be almost impossible to look in a mirror when you're (or should I say I'm) having one of those bad hair days, this mirroring workshop (week of 20th July) is about other people and the way they mirror you or you mirror them.

It's a majorly complex subject, always does my head in just thinking about it, but I was talking to one of my mentors, a wonderful about to be 80-year old lady called Jane Whistler, and she gave me a interesting thought about mirroring which I wanted to pass on to you.

Imagine someone is driving you crazy because they're always late. You look at them and you don't see a mirror there because you're never late. How can they possibly remind you of you - you have nothing in common.

But what the mirror is showing you is how horrible a person you're becoming by being so intolerant about their lateness. By looking at them critically, reflecting back at you is what a sour, petty person you're becoming.

So, having now understood that, I am never ever going to have a nasty thought about anyone ever again - because it will just reflect badly on me.

You are all wonderful as you are.
See you at Life Clubs admiring my reflection,
Founder Life Clubs
Author Big Book of Me and Big Book of Us and two/thirds through writing The Life Book.

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