Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where does your energy come from?

Anyone who knows me knows how crazy I am about a system of viewing the world called The Enneagram and next week's (3rd August) Life Clubs workshop is just a brief introduction to it. It'll get you thinking about whether you're a body, a mind or a heart person and, once you've discovered that, help you find out how to relax.

I remember the first time I was introduced to this part of The Enneagram, my friend, the wonderful Gordon Melvin, had us all walking round discovering where our attention was. Was it in our feet - noticing how our feet were solid on the ground (Body type) or was it in noticing what we were feeling and how connected we are to others (Heart Type) or were we just thinking all the time about what was going on around us and if there was any point in doing this whatsoever or not (Mind type).

Without a shadow of a doubt, I'm a skeptical mind type who likes relaxing and does it by occupying my mind. Last year it was a succession of Thomas Hardy novels, this year I'm going to wait to see what my daughter has to read for school and go for that. I like reading in company.

This week, come along and find out what relaxes you - and, if you'd like to know more about The Enneagram, on Saturday October 31st, in Central London, Gordon is going to be doing an all-day workshop on The Enneagram arranged by us. Discover what your personality type is and how it affects not only you but all the people you know and love. Contact to find out more.

See you now and then,
Founder Life Clubs
Author of The Big Book of Me and, in three days when it will be totally finished, The Life Book


  1. Ooo I love the eneagram, I find it to be the most wonderful and useful tool that I keep learning more and more about! Great to know this is something you use...

  2. Thanks Kim. This workshop is just a tiny beginning, but I'm sure others will find it useful.
    Do hope you can come along this week - or to Gordon's workshop - and share your experience.
