Friday, January 8, 2010

Gosh, time flies when you're having fun...

I'm not sure my husband and I are as old or as beautiful as the couple in this picture I've chosen. What we do have in common is that we're still happy together.

Where I'm going with this is that this week we've been together for exactly half my life. I find this totally extraordinary. To me, when I look back, the time I was on my own seems to be in vivid technicolour. So much happened, so many countries, people, romances. It seems a long period of time.

In contrast, the time I've spent with him, has mellowed into a pastel-coloured blur of warmth and contentedness. It seems but a short moment since the first time we met and no memories are as vivid as those of me on my own.

So, why am I mentioning this?

This week's Life Clubs workshop was about doing what you want - call it being selfish if you like, although I would personally call it essential. I'm possibly one of the most selfish people I know - I have it down to a fine art. I know what I love and I build it into my life without fail.

Where this is going is how could anyone have put up with me for so long or how could I have stuck with the same person for so long? I think the answer is independence. He allows me to be selfish and at the same time does what he wants to do. We've co-existed so happily because we allow each other to be ourselves.

So, think about what you want to do and just go for it. That way you too will be as soppy as the couple in the picture.

See you this week,
Author of The Life Book, founder of Life Clubs
Read this lovely post about my new book.


  1. Hi Nina- as I read this I realised I have also been married to my husband for half of my life. He is fabulous, I cannot get my car out of drive due to the snow so when he returns from work tonight he is driving me to the gym in his 4 wheel drive and waiting for me whilst I have a run, he knows the way to my heart!

  2. What a lovely post. I love the view into Nina's World.
