Sunday, June 27, 2010

Creating Space

How many times have you gone against your intuition, only to end up being right? What's getting in the way of your instincts? Why do we keep clutter?

Many of us hold on to people, objects and thoughts that work against our goals. What is it about the past, or the need to make decisions, that holds us hostage?

Sometimes the clutter we keep stops us from moving forward with an important decision or lifestyle change. The simple act of accounting for the excess matter can make us all a little more self-aware, and that awareness will help us move on with our lives. There is something incredibly liberating about letting things go, no matter the size or its history in our lives.

This week at Life Clubs instead of exploring the nooks and crannies of our minds, we will examine the big piles of clutter occupying the centre of our thoughts, with an end goal of creating space in our lives.

To learn to rely on your gut instinct, click here. You're just one purge away from clearer thinking.

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