Wednesday, May 9, 2007


As an actor organising your time can often be not only difficult but a fruitless task as things can change so quickly. I remember a friend who went into an audition and got offered a job on Friday, and had to leave to go on tour for six months the very next day! So you think what's the point of planning!. Well, the point is that on the days that your life isn't completely turned upside down (in a good way) leading a balanced life makes you feel amazing, and this weeks topic offers a tool for doing just that.

What are the important things in your life?, What really excites you and what do you feel passionate about? Make those the first things you plan into your day, (you may not do them first thing, but you will do them). This was new to me, I always thought that the horrible things that had to take priority...even thinking about the things I love first sends a tingle down my spine.

The club really went for it and light bulb moments included one girl realising that she was allowed to sleep and that was a justifiable goal to plan for in her day.
"Praise be for that", as my Granny would say.

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