Friday, May 11, 2007

Would you like your stones plain or with glitter?

Having the visual image of the three stones being the priorities I would like for the day is a powerful one. Everyone at the Salisbury Life Club talks about 'their stones'. It gives a sense of something tangible to hold on to. That's what we want when we're talking about making time for our most important goals. We want them to be something we can touch and see and be inspired to do, for no other reason than that is what we have chosen to be the things that we value the most for this day. The things when achieved will take us closer to the next level we are striving for in whatever area of our life.

It got me thinking about actually having some stones that you might collect to carry with you in your pocket, if small enough, or to place somewhere that you will see them throughout the day- maybe your kitchen counter or desk. Choosing your actual stones might be a lovely exercise to try. Go for a walk, in the woods or on a beach, and take in your natural surroundings. See what stones you find or rather what stones find you! I often find when I am walking a stoney path near our home that I'll look down and amongst the many stones will be one that for some unknown reason appeals to me. They are often smooth and rounded. These to me are the ones that feel good to hold, the weight and texture seem just right. Perhaps you might find some to which you are attracted. In the realm of creativity there is no need for justifying or logical reasoning, so just go with it. There might be something about a particular stone that as you ponder it actually reminds you of what that stone could represent for your day's priority.

Taking the time to do this exercise is also a great way for you to get in touch with some of the things that are important to you, that you really do value, but might not have been given the place in your day that they deserve. Allow yourself that time to reconnect with what it is you would really feel great about having done as you look back at the end of your day.

Here's another idea for getting creative with your stones. In remembering that these stones represent something special, why not make your stones a bit more showy, if that's what you like. Get some paint out and see what colours inspire you. Most of us relate certain colours to certain feelings and so this could work for your stones. Perhaps some racing stripes for that goal of running today, or a soft blue to remind you of the calm you'll feel after meditating. You could, for that extra wow goal, cover your stone in glue and then coat it with multi coloured glitter! Why not!!

Here's one last way to make those stones work for you and make you go for it. Take a trip to your local shop that sells crystals. They can be quite inexpensive for some beautiful variety in your stone collection. Again, with all the different textures and shapes, colours and sizes, see which ones jump out at you. (Obviously, not literally. That might hurt.)

So, like your life and all the things you value doing: get your stones, plain or with glitter, and play with them, move them around and see how you like what you create.


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