Thursday, January 10, 2008

Being ahead of the times...

Dear All of you who read this,

I went today to something very grandly entitled World Entrepreneurs Summit (WES), because in particular I wanted to go to a seminar all about 'oldpreneurs' (which is me). I was looking forward to a roomful of 'Snow Whites' or, as they call in America, 'Grey Panthers' and chatting about what was difficult or easy for us in that role.

Of course it wasn't like that at all. There were three speakers, three attendees (all in their thirties - if that) and me. When I asked the thirty year olds what interested them about the subject, they both turned out to be entrepreneur bloggers (Alex Bellinger, creator of and Dan Martin, mastermind behind who said that us 'oldpreneurs' were the next big thing. Sadly, not because we've necessarily all got companies inside us dying to come out, but because working for ourselves is all that's left as we're too old to get a job.

In Europe an 'oldpreneur' as someone in their fifties or above, but the American speaker said that in America an 'oldpreneur' was someone post 65. Now, that made me feel young.

So, from a very youthful-feeling fifty year old, good night.
Founder Life Clubs/Westminster Club

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