Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Highs and lows

Dear All,

Yesterday was a good day. So many good things happened that I was almost on overwhelm. One of them was that I went to give a motivational talk to a group of high-powered Notting Hill Gate women. 30-40 were expected and there were over 60 there. Usually I feel like the dad in Little Miss Sunshine expending all my energy on three bored children in a classroom, but yesterday I knew I'd arrived. It was great.

Today, of course, I was shattered. My energy was spent and I wandered around wondering what day of the week it was. I achieved what I wanted, but in a slightly desultory way. And yet, if I think of what good happened to me today, there was something really good. I had a little bit of a l'ightbulb moment', which may well affect my future more than any of yesterday's events. I realised I need to move my desk and work in another room so I can be by myself. Now, that's big stuff.

It's so helpful to keep a look-out for the good things that happen every day. I could have dismissed today and focused on yesterday, but actually today was good in a big (but less flashy) way.

And there were 18 at my Life Club yesterday - keep on coming, the more the merrier.

Looking forward,
Founder Life Clubs/Westminster Life Club

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